
Lots of useful and interesting information about CHIA, cryptocurrency, farming, the present and future of the crypto industry



Great Bitcoin Ideas Show the Power of One Market: Secure the Bag

by Gene Hoffman, CEO & President In traditional finance today, an entity sending many payments to holders of their asset can easily and quickly rack up considerable fees (wire and mail fees in TradFi, and block access fees in DeFi). Those receiving payment want certainty that their payment is co

Julho 25, 2024

One Market

by Gene Hoffman, CEO & President Traditional finance has spent a couple of centuries building business models and shaping regulations to deal with the fact that trusting people is hard, and communications used to be slow and even slower at a distance. Stocks still only trade from 9:30am to 4pm E

Julho 12, 2024

Global Expansion of Chia Network Security with Successful ASIC Timelord Rollout

Much like the famous police box, ASIC timelords have landed… well, a bunch of boxes actually. But the result is just as timey-wimey! Community purchasers around the world have received their units, and many are now actively contributing to the Chia blockchain’s security. This rollout wasn’

Julho 3, 2024

Roadmap Update – Chia Cloud Services Platform

We are back with the latest updates on the Chia Network roadmap! This newest iteration of our roadmap reflects our efforts to further Chia’s mission of being the best and most secure blockchain for DeFi. Blockchain is at a critical inflection point. Digitized real-world assets continue to gain mo

Junho 21, 2024

Driving Growth in the Face of Turbulent Luxury Markets

According to Bain research, the top luxury brands make nearly 40% of their revenues from less than 2% of their customers1, meaning these brands are more likely to engage directly with their customers. And for those customers, it’s not just about the design but also about sustainability, equity, an

Maio 31, 2024

Chia Network Acquires DrPlotter Technology and Expertise

We’re excited to announce that we’ve acquired the DrPlotter technology—one of the major plot compression tools in the Chia ecosystem. Dr. Nick (Nicolas Halper) himself has also joined the Chia team to work on the future of plotting! The DrPlotter technology will remain unchanged, and we’re r

Maio 17, 2024

Why Chia Plots Don’t Contain Real User Data

With the announcement that we are exploring a new plot format for Chia, there are many open questions about exactly what the plots will look like. We’ll discuss the details once we have a proposal ready, but there’s one thing we can say with certainty right now: the new plots will not contain re

Abril 21, 2024

Dive Into The Chia Academy

We released Chia Academy in December 2023 to simplify your entry into the world of the Chia blockchain. We’d like to provide some background on why we think providing education matters and what the Chia Academy can do for you! Why Create the Chia Academy? Blockchain education (beyond guides for So

Abril 12, 2024

The Blockchain Trilemma is Real in the Real World

Numerous projects claim to have overcome the blockchain trilemma. I find that claim dubious at best. I’m also deeply suspicious that they’ve solved it “academically.” I’m not going to explain all of the ways that they can mislead you – but I am going to apply some cold hard reality of th

Março 16, 2024


Version 2.1.2 Release

Version 2.1.2 of the Chia reference client is now available for download! This release mostly contains bug fixes, along with a few additional features. This is not a required update, but several beta testers have noted improvements in their farms’ performance when testing this release. We therefor

Fevereiro 3, 2024


We’re Going to Ludicrous Speed

Light speed was too slow, so our new ludicrous speed ASIC Timelords will be fully operational by November 9th, 2023! We’re proud of our work to maintain and enhance the Chia blockchain’s network security. While the network has remained safe since launch, we know we must stay vigilant. To that en

Janeiro 25, 2024


Spare has started returning coins to the participants of the first start

Spare — a decentralized blockchain system based on Proof Of Space and Time (PoST) works on Chia rafts, being its fork. The initial launch was scheduled for June 16, but due to circumstances, the Spare team was not ready for such a big hype and faced numerous problems. It was decided to restart the

Novembro 21, 2023


Chia Network is pleased to announce the launch of the Bug Bounty program with the support of Bugcrowd!

Chia Network, in collaboration with Bugcrowd, is launching a new Bug Bounty program. Bugcrowd is a crowdsourcing security platform. It was founded in 2011, and in 2019 it became one of the largest companies on the Internet for collecting errors and disclosing vulnerabilities. At the first stages of

Novembro 16, 2023

Version 2.1.0 Release

Version 2.1.0 of the Chia reference client is now available for download! This release features farming and user experience improvements, including updates to GPU plotting support, Credential Restricted CATs, and upgraded support for offers, WalletConnect, and DataLayer features. Note: Version 2.1.0

Outubro 5, 2023

Happy Roadmap Update Day!

We updated our Chia Product roadmap earlier this year and are back with the next iteration. It’s a bit later than we’d hoped to share, and you may notice some things have moved around, but we’re energized by our focus on the key themes driving enterprise development and adoption: Solving Enter

Setembro 14, 2023

Are you buying a genuine handbag from the rightful owner?

Luxury goods are more than just products; they represent a lifestyle, an aspiration, and an experience. When customers buy a Birkin bag or a Rolex, they’re not just buying the product; they’re buying a promise with an expectation of quality and exclusivity. In an industry where organizations sel

Setembro 7, 2023

Version 2.0.0 Release

We’re pleased to share the release of version 2.0! This release brings many new features and some significant upgrades that are pivotal to the evolution of the Chia blockchain. From plot compression support and GPU plotting, farming, and harvesting, to soft and hard fork protocol updates, version

Agosto 24, 2023

Forked Paths: Decoding Blockchain Forks

Blockchain technology revolutionized trust and transparency in decentralized networks. Blockchains and their underlying consensus mechanisms are subject to “forks” – pivotal moments in the evolution of a network. Forks shape the direction and future development of an ecosystem. Given the regul

Agosto 17, 2023


The average age of hard disk failure is 2 years and 6 months

The American company Backblaze, specializing in backup and cloud storage, has published a detailed report examining 17,155 failed hard drives. The average age of refusal is 2 years and 6 months. At the end of the first quarter of 2023, Backblaze used 241,678 hard drives (HDD) and solid-state drives

Agosto 16, 2023

What is Blockchain for "Enterprise"?

Blockchain uses a distributed ledger technology system designed to drive transparency and trust, which are essential across a number of enterprise business applications. Blockchain solutions enable businesses to process payments and validate digital identities more securely and transparently than le

Agosto 15, 2023


Chia Terminology

Chia (XCH) — a cryptocurrency based on Proof of Space and Time (PoST) technology, which is an environmentally sustainable alternative to cryptocurrencies based on Proof of Work (PoW). Proof of Space and Time (PoST) — a unique consensus algorithm used in Chia that combines hard disk space and tim

Agosto 13, 2023


Announcement of a card game on the blockchain — Chia Trading Card Game (ChiaTCG)

Chia Trading Card Game (ChiaTCG) — is an open, demo Web3 project that serves as a reference product to support the implementation among game developers and stimulate their immersion in Chia technology. It demonstrates how each of the primitive parts of Chia are combined to create the technological

Agosto 12, 2023

Bug Bounty: Self-Hosted Runners

We’ve always maintained the idea that the community owns the blockchain codebase, and to that end, we’re always looking for ways to balance the ease of community contribution to the Chia codebase while keeping it secure. One of the tools we often use is the bug bounty program. We challenge folks

Agosto 4, 2023

Understanding Blockchain Layers

Blockchain technology garners significant attention for its potential to revolutionize many areas of the economy, from finance to healthcare. However, blockchains are often viewed as one extensive system, when in reality, each blockchain is composed of distinct components or layers. In this piece, w

Julho 27, 2023

Future CHIA

Prospects of CHIA network in the near and long term: events impacting CHIA network and the overall cryptocurrency market

  Prospects of CHIA network in the near and long term: events impacting CHIA network and the overall cryptocurrency market The CHIA Network, with its eco-friendly approach to mining and innovative Proof-of-Space and Time (PoST) consensus mechanism, has garnered significant attention in the cryp

Julho 21, 2023


Concerns about CHIA: risks and potential issues associated with cryptocurrency mining

Concerns about CHIA: risks and potential issues associated with cryptocurrency mining As the world of cryptocurrencies continues to evolve, CHIA has emerged as a prominent player, garnering attention for its unique Proof-of-Space and Time (PoST) mining mechanism. While CHIA’s eco-friendly appr

Julho 20, 2023


Geography of CHIA network adoption: where CHIA coins are mostly utilized and the percentage of cryptocurrency trading related to this platform

Geography of CHIA network adoption: where CHIA coins are mostly utilized and the percentage of cryptocurrency trading related to this platform The landscape of blockchain and cryptocurrencies continues to evolve rapidly, with various platforms offering unique features and functionalities to cater to

Julho 19, 2023

Public vs. Private Blockchains: Key Differences

Public and private networks enable individuals and organizations to harness the power of blockchain for their goals. In the following article, you will learn about the differences between public and private blockchains, use cases, and how organizations can best leverage each to support strategic goa

Julho 18, 2023

CHIA Partners

Companies and partners working with CHIA network: exploring cryptocurrency industry companies and their deals

Companies and partners working with CHIA network: exploring cryptocurrency industry companies and their deals CHIA Network, a groundbreaking blockchain project, has garnered significant attention and recognition in the cryptocurrency industry. Its unique eco-friendly Proof-of-Space and Time (PoST) c

Julho 15, 2023


CHIA network in the Internet of Things (IoT): how the platform interconnects with the IoT segment and the readiness of this segment to utilize CHIA coins.

  CHIA network in the Internet of Things (IoT): how the platform interconnects with the IoT segment and the readiness of this segment to utilize CHIA coins The rapid advancements in technology have given rise to a revolutionary concept known as the Internet of Things (IoT). This interconnected

Julho 12, 2023

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