
Lots of useful and interesting information about CHIA, cryptocurrency, farming, the present and future of the crypto industry



Version 2.1.0 Release

Version 2.1.0 of the Chia reference client is now available for download! This release features farming and user experience improvements, including updates to GPU plotting support, Credential Restricted CATs, and upgraded support for offers, WalletConnect, and DataLayer features. Note: Version 2.1.0

Outubro 5, 2023

Happy Roadmap Update Day!

We updated our Chia Product roadmap earlier this year and are back with the next iteration. It’s a bit later than we’d hoped to share, and you may notice some things have moved around, but we’re energized by our focus on the key themes driving enterprise development and adoption: Solving Enter

Setembro 14, 2023

Are you buying a genuine handbag from the rightful owner?

Luxury goods are more than just products; they represent a lifestyle, an aspiration, and an experience. When customers buy a Birkin bag or a Rolex, they’re not just buying the product; they’re buying a promise with an expectation of quality and exclusivity. In an industry where organizations sel

Setembro 7, 2023

Version 2.0.0 Release

We’re pleased to share the release of version 2.0! This release brings many new features and some significant upgrades that are pivotal to the evolution of the Chia blockchain. From plot compression support and GPU plotting, farming, and harvesting, to soft and hard fork protocol updates, version

Agosto 24, 2023

Forked Paths: Decoding Blockchain Forks

Blockchain technology revolutionized trust and transparency in decentralized networks. Blockchains and their underlying consensus mechanisms are subject to “forks” – pivotal moments in the evolution of a network. Forks shape the direction and future development of an ecosystem. Given the regul

Agosto 17, 2023

What is Blockchain for "Enterprise"?

Blockchain uses a distributed ledger technology system designed to drive transparency and trust, which are essential across a number of enterprise business applications. Blockchain solutions enable businesses to process payments and validate digital identities more securely and transparently than le

Agosto 15, 2023

Bug Bounty: Self-Hosted Runners

We’ve always maintained the idea that the community owns the blockchain codebase, and to that end, we’re always looking for ways to balance the ease of community contribution to the Chia codebase while keeping it secure. One of the tools we often use is the bug bounty program. We challenge folks

Agosto 4, 2023

Understanding Blockchain Layers

Blockchain technology garners significant attention for its potential to revolutionize many areas of the economy, from finance to healthcare. However, blockchains are often viewed as one extensive system, when in reality, each blockchain is composed of distinct components or layers. In this piece, w

Julho 27, 2023

Public vs. Private Blockchains: Key Differences

Public and private networks enable individuals and organizations to harness the power of blockchain for their goals. In the following article, you will learn about the differences between public and private blockchains, use cases, and how organizations can best leverage each to support strategic goa

Julho 18, 2023

The First Publicly Verifiable Carbon Offset Transactions and Retirement

Last year we announced the Carbon Opportunities Fund, a partnership between the IFC, Cultivo, and Chia Network, raising private capital to source, tokenize and sell high-quality, verified carbon credits. And today, we’re thrilled to be announcing the first transactions and retirements using the Ch

Junho 28, 2023

Version 1.8.2 Release

Version 1.8.2 of the Chia reference client is now available for download! This release features user experience improvements, including updates to transaction level claw back support, support for the Verifiable Credentials primitive, updated DID commands, mempool support for identical spend aggregat

Generative AI and the Future of Blockchain

Generative AI, a subfield of artificial intelligence, is taking the world by storm. While many people have become familiar with large language models, like Open AI’s ChatGPT, a form of generative AI that creates new text from scratch, generative AI is also capable of producing other forms of conte

Junho 26, 2023

The Basics of Blockchain

A blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger that records transactions across a network of computers, also known as nodes. In other words, blockchain is a peer-to-peer digital network that collaborates to maintain a shared record of interactions. While today’s blockchains are most commonly assoc

Junho 5, 2023

Can blockchain help fix carbon market challenges?

Facing an existential crisis, the Paris Agreement seeks to limit warming to 1.5° C (2.7° F) through global collaboration. The carbon market plays a vital role in realizing this goal, but it wasn’t initially built to address the scope and scale of today’s challenge or with the advancement of te

Maio 12, 2023

Cracking the CODE: Enabling an Open Digital Economy

The metaverse has not experienced widespread or significant adoption thus far. This may be because the existing technology caters to an audience that either doesn’t desire it or doesn’t yet grasp it. Presently, the metaverse seems to target NFT creators and gamers, but in reality, the limited nu

Maio 6, 2023

Chia Network moving to Discord – Part 2

We’re excited to officially welcome you to the Chia Network Discord server! As of today, our new public channel is open to the community and we encourage you to join us. Beam me to Discord! We’ve outlined specific instructions and requirements to guide your transition from Keybase to Discord. Th

Maio 3, 2023

Version 1.8.0 Release

Version 1.8.0 of the Chia reference client is now available for download! This release features user experience improvements, including updates for notifications, WalletConnect support, DataLayer permissioning, and NFT caching. Download Critical Security Patches This release includes patches that ar

Launching the ChiaTCG

The Chia Trading Card Game (ChiaTCG) is an open-source, proof-of-concept Web3 game that serves as a reference product to support adoption among game developers and jumpstart their journey using Chia technology. It demonstrates how each of the Chia primitives come together to build the technology inf

Maio 2, 2023

The Green Paper Has a New Home

The new version of our green paper is updated to explain the consensus algorithm we actually deployed. It is very similar to the consensus algorithm described in the first version of our green paper. It’s still using proofs of space and time, and even the units of weight the blockchain is measured

We’re moving to Discord!

The Chia ecosystem experience means a lot to us. If you’re on Keybase, you’ll see many of us are very active in the community; you may also have some opinions on how it feels to use Keybase compared to other apps you may currently use – like Discord. We initially chose Keybase for the comprehe

Abril 29, 2023

Chia Product Hour: The Clawback Feature 

We’re committed to real-world blockchain utility, meaning we must recognize the industry’s pain points and build the tools to address those challenges – with security front-of-mind. So, we built our custody solution, which we used to secure the prefarm. That bespoke tool merged several existin

Abril 11, 2023

Version 1.7.1 Release

Version 1.7.1 of the Chia reference client is now available for download! This release focuses on user experience improvements, including updates for Key Management, WalletConnect support, notifications, offers, and NFTs. We’ll cover the updates for end users, and developers. Download General Use

Março 22, 2023

Chia Mainnet Year Two: The Year of You

We’re thrilled to celebrate the second anniversary of our Mainnet launch with you! It is incredible to think about how far we’ve come in such a short time, from a zoom call with dozens of community members to over 100,000 nodes globally (and even in-person events today across six continents!). T

Março 19, 2023

Introducing Chia Blockchain Database BitTorrent Checkpoints

I’m excited to share that, moving forward, we’ll provide quarterly database checkpoints as part of our ongoing release improvements. You can access these checkpoints via BitTorrent, the peer-to-peer file-sharing protocol our founder Bram Cohen invented. Checkpoints are the first step to a better

Do you trust the data you’re transacting on?

Business runs on data often recorded, shared, and stored on paper and in databases owned, operated, and typically fragmented across multiple parties. Should businesses and organizations be so quick to trust the data they’re using? Or, perhaps phrased differently: how can we build and maintain trus

Março 9, 2023

2023: Investing in what sets us apart

We’re excited to share with you our 2023 Product Roadmap! You’ll likely notice some new additions, a few product timelines shuffled around, and plenty of technical details. Below, we’ll share the thinking that shapes our plans moving forward. Chia Roadmap To build better and more usable tools

Fevereiro 22, 2023

Version 1.7.0 Release

Version 1.7.0 of the Chia reference client is now available for download! This release includes some necessary security fixes for which we strongly recommend everyone update their client. Version 1.7.0 also rolls out some UX changes and updated functionality to NFTs and Offers. Download 1.7.0 also s

Fevereiro 15, 2023

Rothschild suffered a legal defeat – Did the rest of the NFT ecosystem?

Much of the NFT world has waited for the verdict in Hermes Int’l v. Rothschild 1 with bated breath. For the uninitiated, this is the first case exploring the intersection of NFTs and trademark rights. Yesterday, the jury found that Rothschild’s “MetaBirkin” NFT collection violated Hermès’

Fevereiro 10, 2023

Preserving our Past: Ensuring the Longevity of ChiaLinks is a cultural touchstone and one of the longest-lived staples in the Chia community. It’s an indispensable repository of knowledge from all corners of our ecosystem, relied upon by many of you all, and even us here at Chia Network, Inc. While the content is crowdsourced, it’s run e

Fevereiro 2, 2023

Sharing our Security Philosophy

We take the security and efficacy of our products seriously and are always seeking to improve our process, so to continue honing our efforts, we’ll be publishing a series of post-mortem blog posts exploring security challenges and how we addressed them. Security is a tricky topic to discuss, but t

Janeiro 31, 2023

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