
Lots of useful and interesting information about CHIA, cryptocurrency, farming, the present and future of the crypto industry



Pools in Chia

Update: Check the Pooling FAQ for more updates. As the launch of Chia’s mainnet approaches I want to go over the current status of farmer pools in Chia and what the plans for pooling are in the future. TL;DR We don’t have pooling fully implemented yet but are building in hooks to make two app

Novembro 10, 2020

OG Space Farming Contest

A faster plotter and a k=32 plot size minimum mean it’s time for a new farming contest! Starting at block 11,325 on the Beta 15 (current) chain we’re going to have a farming rewards race to block 13,350. We will count the winning blocks by counting blocks of k size 32 or greater t

Outubro 8, 2020

A T-shirt Contest for Space Farmers

Now that the finalized plot format is out in Beta 1.8 and Beta 1.9, it’s time for some fun. Starting at block 7200 on the Beta 1.8/1.9 chain we’re going to have a farming rewards race to block 9200. The top 5 farmers by blocks won will get their choice of two rare T-shirts. We will count the.

Julho 31, 2020

Launching Coloured Coins

Update: The Chia token standard is going to be called CAT1. Read more here. Blockchains should make issuing and using coins and assets easier and more trustworthy than in the analog world, but so far the functionality they provide is limited and hacked on awkwardly. Today we debut one of Chialispâ€

Abril 29, 2020

So You Want to Be a Space Farmer?

With the release of Alpha 1.4 of the Chia blockchain there is no better time to become a farmer of Space and Time! The Chia testnet blockchain has been cruising along since early December 2019. Since then we’ve added support for more operating systems and platforms like Windows (via the Windows

Fevereiro 25, 2020

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